Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I recently learned of a horrible tragedy that took place on Fort Leonard Wood, MO. A little after 12:30 p.m., August 4th, 1955, a plane fell out of the sky. The plane was on fire as it began it's fatal descent. As it came careening toward the ground, the plane clipped a tree line, and ripped a wing off. The pilot had intended to "glide" to the military reservations runway, but was not able to do so with his plane so badly crippled. All 30 souls aboard the plane perished. No injuries were reported on the ground. This tragedy could have been compounded had the plane crashed into the Army Housing area, only 3/4 of a mile from the crash site. It was reported that between 150 and 200 soldiers fought the ensuing fire for hours.

I will post more details as I learn more about this American Airlines disaster.

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