Suggestions as to Sanitation & Management of County Almshouses
The county Almshouse and inmates are under the control of the superintendent. No inmate shall leave the premises without permission from the superintendent.
Inmates shall arrive at once when the signal sounds and promptly respond to the call to meals.
After breakfast each inmate shall go to work as directed by the superintendent or his assistants.
No lights will be allowed after eight o’clock p.m. except in rooms where there are sick persons.
Quarreling and use of profane or obscene language is expressly forbidden.
No spitting or filth of any kind will be allowed on the floors, or to be thrown out the windows. Spittoons must be cleaned everyday.
Every inmate will have to bath when admitted, and once a week, or oftener, thereafter, if required by the superintendent.
Smoking in the sleeping apartments, or in other rooms, except the sitting rooms, is prohibited.
Inmates in good health will not be allowed to occupy the sleeping apartments during the day. The rooms will be closed when the inmates leave them in the morning and remain closed until bedtime.
Each person will be held responsible for the care of his room, seeing to it that the same is kept in good order.
It is the duty of the superintendent to enforce these rules strictly and impartially. Inmates refusing to comply herewith are liable to be punished as the superintendent may deem necessary. Any inmate showing violence, disobedience, or disrespect to the superintendent or his family, or to any assistant, shall be liable to be imprisoned or discharged.
Some kind of chemical fire extinguisher should be placed on each story of the building and two or more members of the family taught to use it.
Complete medical and physical examination should be made by a physician of each patient on his or her entrance to the County Home.
A sufficient supply of clothing should be furnished to the inmates in order for them to present a clean and tidy appearance.
When inmates are sick their relatives should at once be notified of same. When death occurs, if the body is not claimed after sufficient time has elapsed, the body should be interred at institution and the name, place of birth, and age marked upon a stone and placed at head of grave.
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